<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=683797551780598&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">


Create HubSpot Pages in less time with no coding


briX allows you to drag and drop modules to build more pages in less time.

basic ✅

Learn to use the Framework

Native HubSpot page layout

39 custom modules

Drag and drop page creator

Live chat support


try basic
full 🚀
$299 / one time

Build websites and landing pages

Full template pack

Blog, subscription & system layouts

All 120 modules

All web app features

Personal support on Slack

get full
custom 🎯
contact us

Get whatever you want






contact us

It's a framework

that is inherently flexible


It's made of components

that are designed to be effective


It's customizable

to make your website unique

basic version ✅


5️⃣ Headers

0️⃣ Navigations

8️⃣ Contents

1️⃣ Pricing tables

3️⃣ Call to actions

2️⃣ Showcases

1️⃣ Contacts

1️⃣ Teams

8️⃣ Features

2️⃣ Blogs

3️⃣ Forms

5️⃣ Footers


Ⓜ️ Menu (optional)

📥 Form

🌇 Hero Image


🖼 Background Image

🎦 Video

◀️🏞▶️ Image Slider

◀️▶️ Slider

📲 Follow Me






Learn to use the Framework

39 modules to help you get started ✅

try basic
$ 299
full version 🚀


1️⃣9️⃣ Headers

0️⃣6️⃣ Navigations

1️⃣5️⃣ Contents

0️⃣5️⃣ Pricing tables

0️⃣9️⃣ Call to actions

0️⃣6️⃣ Showcases

0️⃣5️⃣ Contacts

0️⃣5️⃣ Teams

2️⃣2️⃣ Features

0️⃣5️⃣ Blogs

0️⃣6️⃣ Forms

1️⃣6️⃣ Footers


Ⓜ️ Menu (optional)

 📥 Form

🌇 Hero Image

 🆎 CTA

🖼 Background Image

 🎦 Video

◀️🏞▶️ Image Slider

◀️▶️ Slider

📲 Follow Me

🔼🔽 Slider

🌁 Background Video

🗺 Map


🗂 Tabs

Build websites and landing pages

120 modules, navigations and extra page layouts, enabling you to build entire websites and landing pages 🚀

get full

It's a framework that will help your website to look even better.

We give you the components, you build great pages 😉


You can customize each of the components.

To build unique pages that attract, convert and delight 🤩


You can create pages all by yourself without coding.

The Startup Framework can be used by anyone 👍

🚀 full version
$299 / one time

all 120 modules


page, blog, subscription, 404, password


Global menus & footer


Personal support

Get full template pack 🚀
Access all modules

Use all 120 modules to build unique websites and landing pages.
Use the full template pack

Get access to all templates in the pack: Blog, Password Prompt, Email Subscription, 404 Page, Email Unsubscribe
Get help to get started

Get your own Slack channel where you will get personal support
Build entire websites

Get global navigation and footer modules to create entire websites in no time